Friday 10 April 2015

Main task- Thriller question analysis

Main task- Editing two

So far iv been staying after school to do editing till 6 for the past few days afterschool this is so i could make sure it reaches its deadline in top quality, there were minor issues with the amount of data on premier pro being too much for the program to handle which did affect the programmes speed and productivity due to lag freezing and even lack of sound on occasions but luckily as i managed to plan for these events by staying the additional hours.

Main task- Risk assesment

Some of the risks present in the location of my filming would be that due to the discarded uses of the building due to previous fire in the buildings have left the structural integrity of some of the facilities questionable. due to rust and broken components. Additionally areas labelled as "hazardous" or "require safety equipment". However to abide by the safety guidelines for our health we devised that we were to never enter the plainly structurally unsound or hazardous areas and their would be minimal shots taken within any buildings amounting to a meagre total of only 4 shots inside the rest in open spaces and finally that only the buildings with the least risk were to be filmed in and with only minimal time spent inside.

So even though its a slightly more risky environment we did take the necessary precautions to combat the issues to prevent injury we guarantee our safety and care.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Main task- Filming update

problems with the tripod so temporary adjustments have be made to work for the evening, basic shots have been taken only more in detail shots are required to fine tune the thriller the shots include a scene where the skateboard is mounted, a redo of the antagonist spotting scene in the warehouse due to the flow of the adjacent scenes being incoherent. retake of the running scenes after afterwards with the go pro to diverse the filming devices adhered. additionally the final scenes of the strangling to finish the thriller scene.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Main task- Editing

Iv attempted to use tracking on the first two titles, however it was tricky to be used affectively so instead I only applied it to the first tile to display that I have attempted it and alternatively I applied altering opacity levels and fast blur effects to give an eerie feel to co-ordinate withy the use of blurred affects used at the start and middle of our thriller to keep a theme.

Monday 26 January 2015

Main task- Shooting schedule

Monday- filming/editing practice. Blog update at end of lesson if possible.

Tuesday- After  school outside school shots in abandoned warehouse.

Wednesday- Practice editing and affects.

Thursday- Blog work at home.

Friday- more shots for title sequence to enter of thriller.

Weekend- Optional filming outside school depending on availability.